Fahrenheit Celsius table

Taken from "The ANSI C Programming Language", by co-pilot.


int main() {
    float fahr, celsius;
    int lower, upper, step;

    lower = 0;      // lower limit of temperature table
    upper = 300;    // upper limit
    step = 20;      // step size

    fahr = lower;
    while (fahr <= upper) {
        celsius = (5.0/9.0) * (fahr-32.0);
        printf("%3.0f\t\t%6.1f\n", fahr, celsius);
        fahr = fahr + step;
    return 0;
Fahrenheit	Celsius
  0		 -17.8
 20		  -6.7
 40		   4.4
 60		  15.6
 80		  26.7
100		  37.8
120		  48.9
140		  60.0
160		  71.1
180		  82.2
200		  93.3
220		 104.4
240		 115.6
260		 126.7
280		 137.8
300		 148.9

int main() {
    float fahr, celsius;
    int lower, upper, step;

    lower = 0;      // lower limit of temperature table
    upper = 300;    // upper limit
    step = 20;      // step size

    fahr = lower;
    for (fahr = 0; fahr <= 300; fahr = fahr + 20) {
        celsius = (5.0/9.0) * (fahr-32.0);
        printf("%3.0f\t\t%6.1f\n", fahr, celsius);
    return 0;
Fahrenheit	Celsius
  0		 -17.8
 20		  -6.7
 40		   4.4
 60		  15.6
 80		  26.7
100		  37.8
120		  48.9
140		  60.0
160		  71.1
180		  82.2
200		  93.3
220		 104.4
240		 115.6
260		 126.7
280		 137.8
300		 148.9